New Blog New Me


Hi, I am Simone Siew.

I have been a creator ever since I was little. As a child, I could be found creating fairy houses with stolen flowers from our neighbor’s garden, drawing or painting with my mom, concocting elaborate make-believe games with my sister, and staging photoshoots with anyone who would model.

I am now 21 years old and a senior at Indiana University. I am majoring in Operations and minoring in English and History of the Arts. I have held onto that creative spirit I had when I was young, and when I am not busy with schoolwork, I can still be found drawing, painting, and orchestrating photoshoots with any willing participants. Additionally, I can also be found making nostalgic travel videos, designing stickers for my Redbubble store (all proceeds are donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation), and now trying my hand at new creative venture with this website + blog!

Anyone who knows me knows I love to talk and have an opinion on almost everything. Those thoughts will now be contained on this blog for all to read! Look forward to posts on going green, sustainable fashion, current events, and whatever else is on my mind.

If you’re wondering what Balloon Breath means, you’re not alone. Balloon Breath is the artist stage name I gave to myself in high school to remind myself that everything I do or say in this world holds weight. I was inspired by a science lesson I experienced many years ago where we weighed an empty balloon and then a balloon filled with air. The balloon filled with air was heavier than the empty balloon, and in conclusion air is its own mass with its own weight. This simple but profound lesson stuck with me, and I use it to remind myself that the words we speak may be invisible like air, but they are not to be underestimated. Whether they are recognized or unseen, our words and actions are powerful.

I welcome you to my website, and I hope you look around. Stay tuned!