The Best Flight Ever

Me and the Catlins on the plane to Sweden!

Me and the Catlins on the plane to Sweden!

Everyone dreams of travelling the world, but no sane person fantasizes about the long plane rides and layovers it takes to get there. With spring break in the air, many people are flying all around the world, and I am super lucky to be spending the week in Sweden with my wonderful boyfriend and his family. Leaving the country is so exciting, but the 9 hours of plane time to cross the ocean and get to Stockholm is such a drag. Hours spent on a cramped plane in dry air ruins my eczema-prone skin and makes my eyes look bloodshot. Airplane rides really suck, however, there are a couple things you can do to make it better. Here are my tips for turning something you dread into the best flight ever!

Tip #1: Match the Time Zone of your Destination

No one wants jet lag to ruin a long-awaited trip, and the best way I avoid this is to match my sleep schedule to the time zone of my destination. I add the location of my destination on my Clock app, and I make sure to stay up on the plane if it's daytime or sleep if it's nighttime there. My flight for Sweden left at 2am Swedish time, so I made sure to sleep as much as I could so I could be ready for a full day when I arrived.

My travel essentials pouch

My travel essentials pouch

Tip #2: Make a Travel Pouch of your Essentials

Whether you're travelling light or using every last inch of the backpack you stuffed under the seat in front of you, finding essential items while buckled into your plane seat can be a hassle. Bring a pouch full of your most needed essentials and place it in the seat pocket in front of you or at the top of your backpack or purse. In my pouch I have chapstick, a hair tie, lotion, tums, headphones, my phone charger, eye drops, mints, allergy medicine, ibuprofen, and a pen. If you get motion sickness on planes, you could add dramamine to your pouch.

Tip #3: Stay Hydrated

I'm someone who suffers from extremely dry skin and chapped lips, so the infamous dry air of airplanes does not do me any favors. That is why it's soooo important to bring along an empty reusable water bottle that you can fill up before you board. Whether you're munching on salty pretzels or just chilling on the moistureless plane for 9 hours, you are bound to feel parched. It also doesn't help that airlines often give you dinky little cups that they only fill with an inch or two with water. Bringing your own bottle full of nice, cold water will help you beat the desert-like air of the plane.

Tip #4: Pack Anti-Bacterial Wipes

No one wants to get sick before a big trip, so make sure to wipe down the tray table and seat of your plane with an anti-bacterial wipe. You never really know how clean your seat is or if someone with a nasty cold was just sitting there. I’m a major germ worrier, and anti-bacterial wipes help ease my worries.

Tip #5: Charge Up

Bringing a portable charger is essential to making sure your electronics last the entire plane ride. Charge them before the ride, and you'll be good to go. Or you can get a smart battery phone case! I got the Apple Smart Battery Phone Case last year and it changed my life. I now start the day off with 200% battery, and my phone never dies. My charging phone case makes me feel invincible.

Tip #6: Wear Layers

Whether you're traveling in the heat or cold, plane temperatures can vary drastically. When you're chilling on the tarmac the plane can feel like a sauna, but once you're up in the air, it can get drafty and cold. Wear layers so you're prepared to snuggle up or strip down to a tank top. I always bring a scarf because they’re perfect for chilly weather, and they make great airplane blankets.

Scarves make great blankets on the plane

Scarves make great blankets on the plane

Jackets are great for the plane and perfect for wearing when you get to your destination

Jackets are great for the plane and perfect for wearing when you get to your destination

Tip #7: Keep Yourself Entertained

Before a long plane ride, download all your favorite shows, albums, and podcasts at home. I always forget to download what I want until I’m already on my way to the airport, so then I don’t have strong enough wifi to download everything. Also, download way more than what you think you will need because you never want to run out during the plane ride.

Tip #8: Bring Snacks

On a long flight, you never know when you'll get hungry. Maybe you'll get lucky with some awesome plane food, but more likely than not, your plane meal will not leave you satisfied. Prep ahead and bring some snacks you know you'll be happy to eat. Clay’s awesome mom Sally always makes sure we are fully fed on planes, and she treats all of us with a big bag of snacks!

I hope these tips help you on your next long plane ride! Although I don’t want to go home, my next long plane ride is this Sunday when I fly home from Sweden. Once again I'll be tackling a 9 hour plane ride, and I will definitely be putting these tips to work.

Happy plane riding!


Simone Siew